We have started to work out together almost every morning with the pastors here in Peru. We feel that our Physical health is just as important as our Spiritual health.
There are mornings where it is difficult but we seem to motivate each other and encourage each other to finish our sets and complete the workout victorious!
Yesterday, I began to think about how if I were to do this on my own, I would not be as motivated and may even skip a few sets just because it is too hard or my muscles hurt or possibly even skip a day.
I realized in that moment how grateful I am that I have people around me supporting me and encouraging me to finish strong and not give up.
I began to realize that the Bible talks about us being together, supporting each other, encouraging each other and helping each other through this journey of life.

The Bible references “two are better than one” or “iron sharpens Iron”. It also says in
Hebrews 10:23-25
“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.”
We are not meant to walk through this life alone. God has people for you to encourage you, walk with you and stand in faith with you and for you to do the same in return!
Who is in your tribe? Who is it that at any moment, no matter how much time has gone by, you can pick up the phone or come by and it is like no time has past. God has put so many people in your path, reach out, contact them, have a café or té. You are not alone, God is with you and there are people who are with you!!!!
I want to challenge you to reach out this weekand get together someone. Do not stay home, go to church, be with other like minded believers and encourage each other to keep pushing forward, encourage each other that no one is alone and that God has a plan and you are part of it!